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Segments From this episode

Slower job growth . . . and no rate hike?

Aug 4, 2006
Job numbers out today pointed to higher unemployment rate and slower job growth. But the jury's still out on whether the Fed will raise interest rates again in August. Jeff Tyler reports.

Different pension rules for different industries

Aug 4, 2006
Congress has passed sweeping pension reform, making it harder for companies to promise benefits they can't afford. But some industries got different treatment than others. Scott Tong reports.

Apple will restate earnings

Aug 4, 2006
Apple plans to restate some of its earnings for back-dating its stock options. Its stock sank today. How could the announcement impact the high-flying company? Rachel Dornhelm reports.

Wreaking instability in asymmetrical wars

Aug 4, 2006
Commentator Benjamin Barber argues that the way the United States and Israel create economic devastation in their warfare is the wrong way to fight terrorism.

Prescription for Bid Rx: Drug buying options

Aug 4, 2006
A new website hopes to do for prescription drugs what eBay did for auctions. Helen Palmer reports.

Russia pumps politics into oil deal

Aug 4, 2006
Russia is expected to award one of the largest energy contracts ever next week. American companies are in the running, but aren't considered to have much chance. Stephen Beard reports.

Oh, what a feeling for Toyota

Aug 4, 2006
Toyota reported quarterly profits are up a whopping 39 percent from the same period last year. The news came as the automaker overtook Ford in overall US sales. Jocelyn Ford reports.

Week on Wall Street

Aug 4, 2006
Kai Ryssdal talks with Dallas stockbroker David Johnson about the week on Wall Street and what's ahead for the markets.