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Segments From this episode

Gas prices headed up as BP pipeline closes down

Aug 7, 2006
BP began shutting down its oil field in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska this morning due to corroded and leaking pipelines. It'll take away about eight percent of US domestic production and that means you can expect prices to go up. Bob Moon reports.

Down with TiVo

Aug 7, 2006
TiVo created a product that let consumers bypass TV ads. That's left advertisers looking for more inventive ways to get their messages to consumers. And that has economist and commentator Austan Goolsbee irritated.

Maintaining Harley-Davidson's allure

Aug 7, 2006
James Ziemer runs motorcycle-maker Harley-Davidson. In the latest of our Conversations from the Corner Office, he tells host Kai Ryssdal why his company's bikes have remained an American icon.

How I recovered from a debt-ridden lifestyle

Aug 7, 2006
The Federal Reserve reported today that consumer borrowing jumped dramatically earlier this summer. That means more Americans owe more money. One woman tells us how she climbed out from under a mountain of debt.

Google, Viacom sign video distribution deal

Aug 7, 2006
Google will distribute Viacom programming online, including MTV video clips. Advertisers will choose which clips they want to sponsor, And Viacom can also pick which advertisers they want. They all make money. Janet Babin explains.

Ney bows out in Abramoff scandal's wake

Aug 7, 2006
The Jack Abramoff lobbying and corruption scandal in Washington has claimed another victim. Ohio Republican Bob Ney announced today that's he no longer running for reelection for his House seat. Hillary Wicai reports.

Introducing the toll road to Afghanistan

Aug 7, 2006
Afghanistan has a plan to restore stability and economic growth, but it involves a toll road through the country's dangerous southern region. And handing over that toll is a new, unwelcome concept for most Afghans. Miranda Kennedy has the story.