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Segments From this episode

No rate hike . . . this time

Aug 8, 2006
The Federal Reserve today decided not to raise short-term interest rates for the 18th consecutive time. But the vote to do nothing already has everybody asking, what's next? Bob Moon reports.

Short-lived celebration on Wall Street

Aug 8, 2006
As <a href="http://marketplace.publicradio.org/shows/2006/08/04/PM200608046.html">promised</a>, Marketplace host Kai Ryssdal speaks with Dallas stockbroker David Johnson about the Fed's decision not to raise short-term interest rates.

Havana Club rum is back

Aug 8, 2006
Bacardi will relaunch its Havana Club brand in the States for first time since the US embargoed Cuba. Host Kai Ryssdal talks to Miami Herald reporter Elaine Walker about the trademark ruling that allowed it &mdash; and what it could mean for other companies.

Flights could get a little roomier

Aug 8, 2006
Planes have been more crowded lately, and fares have been higher. But there's news today that after five years of slashing capacity, airlines are starting to add seats again. Amy Scott reports.

'An absolute disaster'

Aug 8, 2006
As fighting between Israel and Hezbollah guerillas in Lebanon rages on, the Lebanese government and economists estimate total losses to that country could be in the range of $7 billion &mdash; so far. Ben Gilbert reports.

New help quitting the oldest profession

Aug 8, 2006
Strippers and prostitutes can make $1,000 a day but not take home a cent because of abusive pimps or drug habits. Sean Cole reports on a program in Memphis that tries to help former sex workers reenter the regular economy.

Isabella Lamb for President

Aug 8, 2006
With several important primary elections now underway, commentator Paul Lamb argues that campaign finance reform should be on voters' minds. And short of that, he's going to start saving for his daughter's campaign now.