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Nielsen now rating commercial breaks

Jul 11, 2006
TV ad buyers and the Nielsen ratings system will begin tracking how many viewers are actually watching TV ads in the new world of TiVos and DVRs. Host Kai Ryssdal talks to Abbey Klaassen about the shift.

The $2 million man

Jul 11, 2006
Normally, Washington's revolving door involves congressional staffers who trade in their positions for big bucks lobbying on K Street. But commentator Jeff Birnbaum says now there's a twist that has even K Street shaking its head.

'Big Dig' troubles turn into tragedy

Jul 11, 2006
A driver was killed in Boston today when a panel in one of the city's Big Dig tunnels collapsed. It's a sad chapter in one of the most expensive and mismanaged public works project in history. Sean Cole reports.

Colorado takes on immigration

Jul 11, 2006
Yesterday, Colorado lawmakers passed what they call the toughest immigration law in the nation, requiring proof of citizenship to apply for public benefits such as Medicare and unemployment insurance. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Can the House win against Internet gambling?

Jul 11, 2006
The House passed a bill today that would prohibit online gambling. Of course, saying it and enforcing it are two different things. But Hillary Wicai explains how this bill tries to choke off the money.

Terrorism hits India's financial center

Jul 11, 2006
Hundreds were killed in seven bomb explosions in Mumbai today. Host Kai Ryssdal talks to Financial Times reporter Khozem Merchant about why the explosions targeted first-class passengers on commuter trains in the country's financial hub.

Finally welcoming Russia into the WTO?

Jul 11, 2006
Before a country can join the World Trade Organization, all 149 member nations must agree. The US has been the last holdout blocking Russia's admission — but now they're deep in negotiations. Bob Moon reports.

Sending deceased immigrants home

Jul 11, 2006
It's called body repatriation and it isn't cheap. But a growing number of businesses are jumping in to help immigrants find ways to send bodies back home for less. Alisa Roth reports.

Gaza settlements still in ruins

Jul 11, 2006
It was almost a year ago that Israel pulled its settlers out of Gaza. The Palestinians had high hopes for big economic developments, but things haven't exactly turn out as planned. Irris Makler reports.