Segments From this episode

Senate targets Corps of Engineers' spending

Jul 19, 2006
Reacting to reports of wasteful spending, US senators today approved an amendment that would set up expert panels to review Army Corps of Engineers projects costing more than $40 million. John Dimsdale reports.

Government workers' spending was a disaster, too

Jul 19, 2006
Investigators say workers in the Homeland Security Department wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Scott Tong reports.

Wendy Day, rap advocate

Jul 19, 2006
You've probably never heard of her, but she's one of the key players in rap music. She runs the advocacy group called Rap Coalition. Sean Cole reports.

Airlines rise above the storm clouds

Jul 19, 2006
Attention all passengers. Brace yourself for something you haven't heard in a while: <em>Good</em> news from the airline industry. Steve Tripoli reports.

Analyzing the Syria-Hezbollah connection

Jul 19, 2006
What does Syria have to gain from its connection to the militant group Hezbollah? Host Kai Ryssdal talks with Joshua Landis, who studies Syrian politics and economy at the University of Oklahoma.

Bernanke's clear message: Inflation's cooling off

Jul 19, 2006
In his semi-annual address to the Senate banking committee, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said just what the markets wanted to hear. Hillary Wicai reports.

A tale of two tax policies

Jul 19, 2006
Democrats in Washington, D.C., are staunchly against tax cuts. But some Democratic governors have been falling off that wagon. Commentator Steve Moore says the party is dividing over how to generate revenue.