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Segments From this episode

No peace over US-UK extradition treaty

Jul 21, 2006
Stephen Beard reports on the growing controversy in Britain over the extradition treaty that was used to send three British bankers to Texas last week.

Louisiana sues feds over oil revenue

Jul 21, 2006
Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco is suing the federal government over oil leases in the Gulf of Mexico. She claims the feds are cutting her state out of royalties it deserves. Hillary Wicai reports.

Dell's profits crash

Jul 21, 2006
The Texas computer maker said today that its profits may fall as much as 30% due to slowing computer sales. Is the PC market poised for a swan dive? Amy Scott takes a look.

Cyprus feels strain of Lebanon's evacuees

Jul 21, 2006
Thousands of evacuees from war-torn Lebanon are inundating the Mediterranean island nation of Cyprus, straining services already taxed by its peak tourist season. Kai Ryssdal talks to reporters on the scene.

Comic-Con goes Hollywood

Jul 21, 2006
More than 140,000 people are expected to swarm a comic-book convention in San Diego this weeknd. In the crowd will be movie types looking for fresh characters and plotlines to put on screen. Ethan Lindsey reports.
A Comic-Con conventiongoer and people dressed as comic characters pose for a picture.
Ethan Lindsey

Are you a rejuvenile?

Jul 21, 2006
Author Christopher Noxon talks with Kai Ryssdal about how American adults nowadays are living in ways once thought to be strictly for the younger set. They're not stunted adolescents; they're something new — rejuveniles.