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Segments From this episode

FDA works on transparency

Jul 24, 2006
In the wake of growing conflict-of-interest criticism, the FDA today announced it will spell out how and why it grants waivers to outside experts and allows them to serve as FDA advisers. Hillary Wicai reports.

Violence continues in Congo

Jul 24, 2006
On Sunday, the Democratic Republic of Congo will hold its first multiparty elections in 40 years. But pre-election violence has left some observers extremely wary. Suzanne Marmion reports.

Food prices could ride heat wave up, up, up

Jul 24, 2006
Many US cities and states are experiencing record heat waves, and farms in the Midwest are no exception. That means the heat spell is likely to hit you in the wallet — at the supermarket. Lisa Napoli reports.

Military contracting is cost-effective after all

Jul 24, 2006
Can you believe that even with all the fraud at KBR and Halliburton, the contracting process actually saves money? That's what Business Week reporter Dawn Kopecki tells host Tess Vigeland.
company headquarters

New test promises safe fish faster

Jul 24, 2006
There's been increasing concern about fish and mercury levels lately, and now there's a company that hopes to reel in profits with a new method of testing fish for mercury. Rachel Dornhelm reports.

The death of Doha

Jul 24, 2006
The latest round of the World Trade Organization's free trade talks has collapsed. Stephen Beard updates us on the latest in the Doha Round in Geneva.

Let the kids get in some summer loafing

Jul 24, 2006
Commentator Sandra Tsing Loh says kids should be slacking off over the summer — and some parents just don't understand.

HCA may get private room

Jul 24, 2006
The biggest hospital chain in the US — operating 176 hospitals and 92 surgery centers — may soon be part of one of the largest leveraged buyouts in history. John Dimsdale reports.