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Segments From this episode

Will the Katie Couric rule survive?

Jul 25, 2006
The SEC votes tomorrow on new executive compensation rules. A proposed requirement to reveal salaries and perks of high-paid talent — named after the former Today show host — may be cut. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Out-of-state business taxes on the block

Jul 25, 2006
A new bill in Congress could dramatically cut back states' authority to tax businesses located outside their borders — and that has states crying foul. John Dimsdale reports.

We've got mail

Jul 25, 2006
Kai Ryssdal rummages through the Marketplace mailbag to share what listeners are saying.

Want to save? Give up the big things

Jul 25, 2006
As gas prices rise and consumers get scared of inflation, many people have started cutting back on small expenses. But commentator Amelia Tyagi says the little things don't matter as much as most people think.

Tough decision, loss of power

Jul 25, 2006
It's been nine days since the lights went out in Queens, N.Y. Thousands of homes and businesses still lack power because, during the blackout's early stages, officials made a fateful choice. Amy Scott reports.

Conflict's impact on Israel's economy is scattered

Jul 25, 2006
In Jerusalem and other areas well outside the range of the conflict between the Israeli Defense Forces and Hezbollah, life goes on almost as normal. Hilary Kreiger reports.

Cardboard box index is down

Jul 25, 2006
The men in brown are singing the blues today. UPS posted weaker-than-expected profits and led the Dow Transports Index down about 2%. Is it a bad sign for the broader economy? Jeff Tyler delivers this report.

Business plan hustle

Jul 25, 2006
There's a lot of bunk in business. You say something that sounds business-y often enough and it starts to stick. Sean Cole has a case in point.