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Segments From this episode

Investing in the Congo

Jul 27, 2006
The Congo's July 30 elections mark the end of nearly a decade of fighting, fueled mainly by its enormous mineral wealth. If Congo can stabilize, investors stand to gain tens of millions of dollars. But, Suzanne Marmion reports, that's a big if.

Oil profits soar as Senate considers domestic drilling

Jul 27, 2006
ExxonMobil made $1,318 dollars a second in Q2, which works out to $10.4 billion for the quarter. Meanwhile, the Senate is taking up a bill that might expand oil drilling in the US. John Dimsdale reports.

Dark day for white meat?

Jul 27, 2006
Today Japan announced it's letting US beef back into the country. But while US cattlemen cheer the news, American chicken and pork farmers are less excited. Dan GrechA explains.

Click-fraud settlement approved

Jul 27, 2006
Google makes its money by selling ads, but the model is susceptible to something called click fraud. Some of Google's customers sued over it and today a judge OK'd a $90 million settlement. Lisa Napoli has the story.

Bill Pulte at home with building houses

Jul 27, 2006
He started as a humble carpenter and wound up running one of the biggest homebuilding companies in the US. Kai Ryssdal talks to Pulte Homes Inc. founder Bill Pulte.

Homeland Security wastes billions

Jul 27, 2006
A bipartisan congressional report out today finds that 32 Homeland Security contracts worth $34 billion are fraught with, you guessed it: fraud. Hillary Wicai reports on a Senate bill that seeks to change that.

Incentives to lure home buyers are back

Jul 27, 2006
New home sales figures out today say nationwide sales are down again. And slowing sales have home builders offering some creative, and expensive, incentives to buy. KPCC's Tamara Keith reports.