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Segments From this episode

Budget stalemate closing down Jersey

Jul 3, 2006
New Jersey was mostly closed today. By Wednesday, state parks, beaches — and even Atlantic City's casinos — could also be closed. Amy Scott reports on the shutdown and the budget battle that prompted it.

Battle of . . . Gettysburg Casino, Resort & Spa?

Jul 3, 2006
Gettysburg, Pa. was the site of our Civil War's bloodiest battle 143 years ago. Now that slots-only gambling has been legalized in Pennsylvania, some want to build a casino and spa near the battlefield. The verbal guns are blazing, reports Martha Woodroof.

Waiting for a president

Jul 3, 2006
Mexico's election authority says Sunday's presidential race is a statistical dead heat and it will take days to finish counting ballots. From Mexico City, Dan Grech has more on the economic impact of the uncertainty.

Execs bail out amid Airbus turbulence

Jul 3, 2006
Two top executives at EADS, the European firm that builds Airbus, have resigned after the company announced costly delays for the super-jumbo A380 jet and a brewing stock option scandal. Stephen Beard reports.

NYC construction grinds to a halt

Jul 3, 2006
Hundreds of construction sites in New York City have closed due to striking construction workers. If no agreement is reached, the strike could affect more than a thousand sites after the July 4 holiday. Bob Moon reports.

A town divided by footwear

Jul 3, 2006
Sportswear giants Adidas and Puma both hail from one small town in southern Germany. They actually began as one family-owned company until a bitter rivalry split it — and their hometown — in two. Kyle James has the story.

Modern capitalism is color-blind

Jul 3, 2006
Newspapers around the country have recently chronicled the dire economic plight of many black men. Commentator Marcellus Andrews says the issue has less to do with racism and more to do with the nature of our economy.