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Segments From this episode

Love is grand . . . for the economy

Jun 29, 2006
Commentator Michelle Philippe says marketers should rethink their ad campaign and stop targeting singles. It's couples who are spending money.

One wild dream job

Jun 29, 2006
If you long to work with wild animals, well, there just aren't many places to learn that trade. But a college in Moorpark, California could be just the ticket. Marketplace contributor Cash Peters checked it out.

Offshore drilling debate resurfaces

Jun 29, 2006
With pressure from states and local governments to find additional sources of revenue, Congress today is discussing plans to open up offshore regions to oil and natural gas drilling. Scott Tong reports.

Don't mess with Medicare

Jun 29, 2006
Tenet Health Care has been reeling for almost four years now from allegations it scammed the Medicare system out of huge payments. Today, the company announced it's settling them for $900 million. Helen Palmer has the story.

Future of Mexico at hand

Jun 29, 2006
This weekend Mexicans elect a new president. So far, the campaign has centered around Mexico's economy and its future as the two candidates have very different approaches to running the economy. Dan Grech reports.