Segments From this episode

Business booming in Baton Rouge

Jun 6, 2006
New Orleans residents have just begun to rebuild their city as the new hurricane season gets underway. Which is why Baton Rouge sees an opportunity. Sam Eaton reports.

So much for the golden years

Jun 6, 2006
A new report says the US government's pension obligations are underfunded by trillions of dollars — could our retirement future possibly be worse than we already thought? Tess Vigeland reports.
Retiree fishing
David Hancock (c) Getty Images

One app closer to world domination

Jun 6, 2006
Google has introduced an online spreadsheet application to compete with Microsoft's Excel. It lacks some of Excel's bells and whistles — but it's free. Amy Scott reports.

Underdogs of war

Jun 6, 2006
Iraqi interpreters work with foreign troops and media at great personal risk. About 5,000 fill that vital role for the US military. Ben Gilbert visited a base outside Ramadi and talked to some of them about their jobs.

FCC regulating the past

Jun 6, 2006
Writer and commentator Rob Long says that when it comes to Janet Jackson, her wardrobe and indecency, the FCC has too much brawn and not enough brains.

New incentive for Iran

Jun 6, 2006
Last week, the White House was hailed for making concessions to Iran. Today, another proposal: The US will supply Tehran with some nuclear technology if it stops enriching uranium. And Iran didn't say no right away. Bob Moon reports.

Creating a new General Motors

Jun 6, 2006
GM shareholders approved two reform proposals today — a first — but the company isn't obligated to listen. So what do the votes mean? Host Kai Ryssdal asks around.