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Segments From this episode

Economy keeps humming right along

Nov 29, 2006
The latest GDP numbers came out today boasting healthy growth in Q3. And then the Fed's Beige Book showed moderate economic growth. So maybe those slumping housing and auto sales numbers don't mean so much after all?

Seeking new markets in India

Nov 29, 2006
The largest-ever U.S. trade delegation is in India this week looking for opportunities in world's second-fastest growing economy. New to the game: nuclear power and defense industry companies. Miranda Kennedy reports.

Calm skies bring windfall for insurers

Nov 29, 2006
Despite dire predictions, there hasn't been a major hurricane in the U.S. this year. That's good news for folks in Florida and along the Gulf Coast — and even better news for insurers. Dan Grech reports.

Bring Big Pharma to the table

Nov 29, 2006
Democrats want to use Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for seniors. Republicans and drug companies say it'll amount to government price controls. Commentator Robert Reich says that's absurd.

Bolivia to return land to its indigenous poor

Nov 29, 2006
President Evo Morales has secured a radical proposal to confiscate many acres of private land and redistribute it to Bolivia's indigenous poor. Host Bob Moon talks to reporter Damian Kahya.

No more toys for Kim Jong Il

Nov 29, 2006
The U.S. wants to ban a laundry list of luxury items from North Korea. Apparently, the administration is hoping Kim Jong Il won't be able to live without his iPod and jet ski. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
(c) AFP/ Getty Images

Local budgets rise and fall with housing

Nov 29, 2006
Declining home values aren't just bad for the families who need to sell. They also hurt cities and counties that rely on property taxes for their budgets. Hillary Wicai reports.

Textbook deal looks to e-publishing

Nov 29, 2006
Irish educational software maker Riverdeep has agreed to buy textbook publisher Houghton Mifflin. Could be a smart move as the industry shifts to electronic publishing, Alisa Roth reports.

Prescription for profits: Hand out pink slips

Nov 29, 2006
Pfizer has announced that it will slash 20 percent of its workforce. The company's plagued by an industry-wide problem, as drug reps find it harder and harder to get face time with doctors. Helen Palmer reports.