That lurking recession never showed up
Jul 15, 2024

That lurking recession never showed up

Also: How a shipping hub handles quick turnarounds, another decline in China's GDP, and a DJ's analog life spinning vinyl records.

Segments From this episode

With a soft landing for the economy in sight, big banks are doing well

Jul 15, 2024
A strong stock market and a vibrant economy that never fell into recession have boosted earnings at financial institutions.
jetcityimage / iStock Editorial / Getty Images Plus
Back-to-school shopping season has started really early this year.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Inside a UPS warehouse that prioritizes super-fast shipping

Jul 15, 2024
UPS' Velocity in Louisville, Kentucky, has more robots than workers.
At Velocity, robots are constantly moving through the facility, reprioritizing items that are trending.
Kristin Schwab/Marketplace

China's consumers cautious about economy as top officials meet

Jul 15, 2024
Growth is being held back by weak domestic demand and a real estate crisis.
Customers are sparse at a newly opened coffee shop in central Shanghai.
Charles Zhang/Marketplace

Jul 15, 2024
Also: How a shipping hub handles quick turnarounds, another decline in China's GDP, and a DJ's analog life spinning vinyl records.
Sezeryadigar/Getty Images

Record scratch: A DJ remembers her analog days

Jul 15, 2024
DJ Asha recalls that at the beginning of her career, she lugged vinyl records across London.
Los Angeles-based DJ Asha uses a controller and laptop on Catalina Island, California, in June. "I'm really grateful for the technology because it's allowed us to do so much," she says.
Courtesy DJ Asha

The team

Nancy Farghalli Executive Producer
Maria Hollenhorst Producer II
Andie Corban Producer I
Sarah Leeson Producer I
Sean McHenry Director & Associate Producer II
Sofia Terenzio Assistant Producer
Jordan Mangi Assistant Digital Producer