Ask a financial therapist
Oct 6, 2023
Season 8

Ask a financial therapist

We want to hear from you!

We’re hard at work on a new season of “This is Uncomfortable,” and we’d like your help: What question would you ask a financial therapist? 

Yes, financial therapists are a real thing. They’re certified professionals who help clients make sense of the emotional and psychological elements of our relationships with money. That can include coping with financial stress, changing problematic behaviors, or understanding how to have a productive conversation about money with a loved one. 

So if you had a financial therapist, what would you want to ask them? 

  • How can I stop feeling guilty about spending money? 
  • How do I start a hard conversation with my partner about debt? 
  • How can I talk to my friends about the difference in our salaries? 

Whatever your question is, send it our way. Reema’s going to sit down with a financial therapist and get you some answers. 

Send us a voice memo at or call us at ‪(347) 746-4848‬.

If you’re a regular listener of the show, you might remember when we’ve reached out to financial therapists in past episodes: to help a couple navigate their money fight in “No Money, No Baby” and to figure out how to broach awkward convos in our older episode, “Zoom therapy in a pandemic.” 

The future of this podcast starts with you.

We know that as a fan of “This Is Uncomfortable,” you’re no stranger to money and how life messes with it — and 2023 isn’t any different.

As part of a nonprofit news organization, we count on listeners like you to make sure that these and other important conversations are heard.

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The team

Zoë Saunders Senior Producer
Alice Wilder Producer
H Conley Intern
Jasmine Romero Editor

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