Battleground Ohio: Governors past and present on election 2012

Oct 3, 2012
Ahead of tonight's debate, current republican Governor John Kasich and the state's former democratic Governor Ted Strickland share their views on Ohio's economy and how it fits in the national election this year.

Missing this election: Third-party presidential candidates

Sep 27, 2012
1992 was a banner year for the third-party candidates. Like this election cycle, the economy was bad and people were concerned about the national debt. But no third-party candidate like Ross Perot has emerged.

For public good, not for profit.

Loudoun County resident on the 2012 elections

Sep 25, 2012
President Obama and Mitt Romney will be in New York this morning for speeches at the Clinton Global Initiative. Josh Dinman, meanwhile, will be at work in Loudoun County, trying to figure out which one of them he should vote for.

Realtors spend big on California race

Sep 24, 2012
The campaign Rep. Brad Sherman, D-Calif., gets a $500,000 boost from the National Association of Realtors