Whose economy is it? Obama's or Romney's?

Aug 30, 2012
Will the economy we have today elect the next president? If so, what does it look like?

Florida town rides housing boom, bust

Aug 28, 2012
Famed for their citrus groves, Dundee residents take stock of the economy and the upcoming elections.

GOP not giving up on Maine Senate race

Aug 27, 2012
Indpendent favored in Maine Senate race, conservative super PAC tied to RGA helps out Democratic opponent.

Mitt Romney faces more questions about tax havens

Aug 24, 2012
A look at offshore banking and tax havens used by the super rich and multinational corporations.
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, speaks at a Victory rally at the Long Family Orchard Farm and Cider Mill in Commerce, Mich. 
Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

The price tag for being an RNC delegate

Aug 24, 2012
Republicans all over the country are starting to pack for Tampa, Fla., where the Republican Convention will be. One delegate breaks down the costs of participating in democracy.

For public good, not for profit.

'Tiger Blood' flows in Florida race

Aug 24, 2012
A Democratic super PAC goes after Rep. Connie Mack for past legal troubles by comparing him to actor Charlie Sheen.

'Keys' forecasting model predicts an Obama victory

Aug 24, 2012
Based on his "Keys" forecasting system, Allan Lichtman says only measuring the incumbent matters in predicting election outcomes.

GOP nonprofits press attack

Aug 23, 2012
Conservative political nonprofit continue to blanket airwaves with attack ads in Senate races.