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Americans weigh in on fixes for the U.S. economy

Jul 19, 2012
Gallup's Frank Newport digs into the latest polling data on the cure for our economic ailments.

The influence of the vice president

Jul 18, 2012
As Romney prepares to tap running mate, historians say vice presidents have a mostly unseen role in shaping policy.

Mike Huckabee on how Mitt Romney can help the middle class

Jul 16, 2012
The former governor talks about the importance of the middle class in this year's presidential election, and what he thinks Mitt Romney needs to do to improve his standings.

This election? James Carville says it's all about the middle class

Jul 12, 2012
Liberal pundit James Carville explains why class matters in this year's presidential election in his new book, ''It's the Middle Class, Stupid!''

Good economy, bad economy: Both candidates are right

Jul 10, 2012
President Obama and Mitt Romney have different takes on the economy. Commentator Justin Wolfers says they're both right.

Wireless providers have doubts about texting campaign donations

Jul 9, 2012
About a month back, the Federal Election Commission approved a proposal to allow campaign contributions via text message. Both Obama and Romney camps have showed their support for the plan. But now Reuters is reporting that wireless carriers in the country might not be so easy to convince.

Just who are the white working class?

Jun 27, 2012
And why they do, or don’t, really matter in this year’s elections.

For public good, not for profit.

Do Americans support the Affordable Care Act?

Jun 14, 2012
Any day now, the Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act will come down. Two years since the act was passed, what do American's think of the reforms?

Obama pushed to recast economic message

Jun 14, 2012
Ahead of what's billed as a major speech by Barack Obama in Cleveland, democratic strategists want the president to change his message to acknowledge slow growth.

FEC will allow campaign donations by text

Jun 12, 2012
The change gives federal candidates a new way to tap into small donor networks, but questions about how much money it will bring in remain.