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What Michigan means for the 2012 election

Feb 24, 2012
Leading up to the Michigan state primary on Tuesday, we check in with host Jeremy Hobson about how people in Michigan are feeling about the economy.

How important are a presidential candidate's moral values?

Feb 23, 2012
Gallup asked Americans whether they value a candidate's moral values over his or her ability to fix the economy.

Learning more about consumer sentiment

Feb 22, 2012
Thomson Reuters and the University of Michigan put together a consumer sentiment survey, which serves as an important economic indicator for the U.S.

Super PAC spending in Michigan and beyond

Feb 21, 2012
Republican presidential candidates are spending millions on the state's airwaves. But those ads are more and more often not being paid for by official campaigns but by giant political action committees -- super PACs.

Where do campaign donations go?

Feb 20, 2012
Wealthy donors who contribute to political campaigns get lots of media attention -- but not nearly as much attention is paid to how that money gets spent.

The economy's looking up, but can Obama take credit?

Feb 16, 2012
Commentator Megan McArdle says no president has that much control over the economy.

The GOP candidates largely agree on what ails the country

Feb 8, 2012
But commentator Robert Reich says they miss the cause.

For public good, not for profit.

Missouri primary will cost millions, but not matter

Feb 6, 2012
Missouri is holding its presidential primary tomorrow. Turnout is expected to be extremely low, mostly because the votes for GOP candidates won't count -- and it'll still cost taxpayers millions of dollars.

What matters to Nebraska and Nevada in the election

Jan 31, 2012
The two states are vastly different in their economies. What they are concerned about, and what they're looking for in this upcoming election.