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Super PACS continue to influence Republican race

Jan 11, 2012
Mitt Romney has won the first two primaries in this year's presidential election race, but thanks to super PACS, candidates who aren't doing as well might stay in the race longer than ever before.

Super PACs give candidates staying power

Jan 11, 2012
Super PACs that can spend unlimited money insure that candidates at the back of the pack won't drop out as quickly as they used to.

Does money buy elections?

Jan 11, 2012
Conventional wisdom says the candidate who raises the most money is likely to get the most votes. But is that really true?

The economic impact of presidents, past and future

Jan 11, 2012
Last night, Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney said that President Obama would like to turn the U.S. into a social welfare state. But even if he wanted to, how much impact does a president have on the economy anyway?

Private equity hits the political spotlight

Jan 10, 2012
Mitt Romney’s role as founder of Bain Capital has prompted rivals to criticize him for destroying jobs. What exactly do private equity firms do?

Is N.H. representative for other American voters?

Jan 10, 2012
New Hampshire voters go to the polls in the state's all-important primary contest. The Republican presidential candidates have been campaigning in the Granite State for weeks and months.

What sets N.H. voters apart from other states

Jan 10, 2012
New Hampshire, like Iowa, has a state economy that is much better off than the national average. So what do candidates focus on there to win over voters?

For public good, not for profit.

Job growth could stay slow through election season

Jan 6, 2012
Economy continues to add jobs, but not fast enough to make campaigning easy for President Obama.

Rick Santorum's Google problem

Jan 6, 2012
A fractured web presence and unified pranksters affect the presidential candidate's results.

FlackCheck: Separating facts from political malarkey

Jan 5, 2012
Why not get some laughs with your fact-checking? A new site joins the tradition of political comedy, with facts at the forefront.