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The economy in elections 2008 v. 2012

Jan 5, 2012
The economy is shaping up to the top issue of this election year. How does that compare to the last election in 2008?

Popular candidates in Iowa can’t count on donations

Jan 4, 2012
Rick Santorum is the latest GOP candidate to face the problem of increasing popularity without an increase in political dollars.

This season's primaries cheapest in a decade

Jan 3, 2012
A combination of free TV debates and outside money is helping candidates penny-pinch for now.

Iowa's economy stronger than other states

Jan 3, 2012
The unemployment rate in Iowa is relatively low compared to much of the rest of the country. How does the state's economy impact the Iowa caucuses?
Volunteers get dinner at Newt Gingrich's Iowa headquarters on January 1, 2012 in Des Moines, Iowa.
Andrew Burton/Getty Images

What caucuses mean for the Iowa economy

Jan 3, 2012
All eyes are on Iowa today as caucuses there start Republicans on their quest toward the presidential nomination. What does today mean for the state of Iowa?

PODCAST: Central Time takes center stage

Jan 3, 2012
Today's Iowa caucuses mark the start of the 2012 election season. While the car brand Cadillac is expecting a strong year ahead, with a focus on becoming a global brand -- but Ford's Lincoln isn't going to be quite so lucky. Manufacturing hiring is finally picking up, but this time around companies are looking for more skilled workers. And Steve Chiotakis heads to the junk yard with Paddy Hirsch to understand junk bonds.
Supporters of republican presidential hopeful U.S. Rep Ron Paul wear t-shirts that spell out 'PAUL' during a campaign stop at the Park Place Event Center on January 2, 2012 in Cedar Falls, Iowa.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Mid-day Extra: An insider's look at the Iowa caucuses

Jan 3, 2012
We all know that the Iowa caucuses happen every four years, and that they help set the tone for presidential elections. But what is it like to sit in on the meetings?
Supporters of republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul leave after a rally in Des Moines, Iowa, on January 2, 2012.

For public good, not for profit.

Iowa caucus 2012: The economic upside goes beyond restaurant tips

Jan 2, 2012
Presidential candidates and their teams spend a lot of money every four years in Iowa, from pizza delivery to TV ads. But the long-term economic benefits are what really matters to the state.

Iowa caucuses could be impacted by weather

Dec 30, 2011
Poor weather on election day can mean fewer voters at the polls, and bigger expenses for the candidates.

Attitude Check: Obama and the American economy

Dec 29, 2011
Heading into the election year, we speak to Frank Newport at Gallup about how Obama's economic policies are faring in the American public, and why the economy will be the biggest issue in 2012.