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A Super PAC switches GOP candidate support

Dec 29, 2011
Citizens for a Working America had once planned to support Michele Bachmann. It then bought an ad in Iowa for Mitt Romney's campaign.

America's opinion on Washington before the Iowa caucuses

Dec 29, 2011
How do Americans feel about all the GOP candidates before next Tuesday? Also, Gallup's most admired people of 2011, and gauging support for the Democrats and the Republicans after the payroll tax cuts showdown.

What sets Ron Paul's economic philosophy apart?

Dec 23, 2011
Presidential hopeful Ron Paul has stood out from other candidates for his throwback economic philosophy. But would his ideas work now?

Mid-day Extra: MTV's Choose or Lose gets lost

Dec 19, 2011
After 20 years, MTV's long running campaign to get youth voters to the poles is getting revamped -- starting with the name

The economic policies of Newt Gingrich

Dec 15, 2011
The former speaker of the house is currently leading the polls for the Republican presidential nomination. What do his economic policies entail?

Do Americans care about the debt crisis in Europe?

Dec 15, 2011
We speak to Frank Newport, editor-in-chief at Gallup, about how much Americans really care about the ongoing crisis in Europe.

For 2012, out with the new, in with the old

Dec 8, 2011
Voters in Iowa will head to the Republican caucus in a few weeks. On the ballot could be a trend that might define the election.

For public good, not for profit.

Gingrich behind in fundraising

Dec 7, 2011
As of September, Gingrich had raised about $3 million and owed more than $1 million. But he's at the top of the polls and that could help him.

Super committee could push decision past next election

Nov 21, 2011
The super committee has until Wednesday to reach a debt deal, but it is looking increasingly likely that real decisions won't get made until after the elections of 2012.

Google launches YouTube Politics

Oct 6, 2011
It's a special channel dedicated to the 2012 election. This isn't all that innovative, it's the kind of thing YouTube has been doing for years at...