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Nate Silver on political polling in the cellphone and social media age

Oct 22, 2012
Nate Silver, who tracks polls at the New York Times blog Five Thirty Eight, says that technology is great for forecasting political races, if we use it correctly.

Secret campaign donations -- so what?

Oct 18, 2012
Nonprofit social welfare organizations may become more potent political donors than super PACs. And they don't have to disclose who gave money.

The "spring break" president?

Oct 17, 2012
New attack ad from a Tea Party PAC says Obama is the one who's out of touch with Americans

Debates more significant than usual

Oct 17, 2012
Last night's second presidential debate between President Obama and Governor Romney was fiery and full of pocketbook issues. Will the debate impact the short term polls and the final election outcome?

Yes, some voters are still undecided

Oct 16, 2012
As Gov. Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama prepare to meet again for tonight's second presidential debate, they'll face not only the moderator and each other, but undecided voters.

For public good, not for profit.

Checking up on Medicare

Oct 16, 2012
Just in time for the second presidential debate, Medicare, the patient, goes to see "Dr. Obama" and "Dr. Romney."