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Farm workers face shortage of decent, affordable homes

Feb 4, 2016
About three-quarters of hired crop workers work within 75 miles from home.
Former migrant farmworker Angel Castro stands in front of a trailer where he used to live, in a neighborhood that still houses many immigrant farmworkers.
Kristofor Husted

Property value in low-income housing debate

Dec 21, 2015
The fight is often over property values.
The fight over building low-income housing often is a debate over property values. Yonkers, New York, is one such battleground.
June Marie/Flickr

Low-income households shying away from mortgages

Nov 5, 2015
NY Fed briefing reveals that low-income residents have a large segment of “discouraged borrowers.”

Hidden homeless left out of the economic recovery

Oct 9, 2015
The economy is on the mend, but not for everyone.

London's luxury housing mirrors NYC's upscale push

Aug 26, 2015
Low income housing is being demolished for high-end developments.

A lack of supply drives up housing prices

Aug 10, 2015
From Seattle to Dallas to Denver, buyers are bidding up a limited stock of homes.

For public good, not for profit.

Affordable housing for teachers in short supply

Jul 24, 2015
Some cities are building lower-cost homes for educators and hospital workers.

Many Marin workers can't afford to live in Marin

Jun 18, 2015
What happens when most of your county's workers can’t afford to live in the county?

The debate against affordable housing in Marin

Jun 11, 2015
Not all Marin County residents have embraced George Lucas' plan to build an affordable housing project.
A canal in Marin County, California
Krissy Clark/Marketplace