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Can we blame climate change for the high price of potato chips?

Sep 20, 2024
High temperatures can stunt potato growth, and that means chip makers need to pay more to transport their crops long distances.
Pennsylvania is the snack capital of the country, with the most potato chip makers than any other state.
Julie Grant/The Allegheny Front

How this winery is planting differently for a warmer future

Sep 11, 2024
Jessica Mozeico, owner of Et Fille Wines, started the business with her father. She hopes she can pass it along to the next generation.
"My daughter is nine years old, so it's certainly too soon to say whether or not she'll follow in my footsteps," say owner Jessica Mozeico of Et Fille Wines. "But what I do know is that it inspires how I want to move the business forward."
Carolyn Wells Kramer

Farmers push Congress for new farm bill

Sep 10, 2024
The farm bill’s current price thresholds don’t reflect higher production costs like gas, machinery and chemicals, all of which have gotten more expensive.
In many cases, commodity farmers will sell this year's harvest at a loss. Advocates say the current farm bill doesn't account for rising operational costs.
Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images

Is the farm economy in a recession?

Sep 9, 2024
Purdue’s Farmer Sentiment Index hit an 8-year low in August.
Strong harvests and lower commodities prices haven't helped with farmers' glum moods right now.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

For this hog farmer, uncertainty in Washington is top of mind

Will there be a new Farm Bill this year? Will the Federal Reserve cut interest rates? These are a few of the questions top of mind for Brian Duncan, farmer and president of the Illinois Farm Bureau.
Brian Duncan at his hog farm Polo, Illinois
Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images

The precision agriculture revolution is coming, just slowly

Jul 4, 2024
Since the 1990s, precision agriculture has promised to revolutionize farming, by giving growers granular information about what’s happening with the crops in their fields and new technology to actually put that data to good use. But the new developments in precision ag have yet to fully transform farming.
Electrical engineer Cody Hyman prepares for a test of Impossible Sensing’s prototype soil sensor. The machine is designed to be mounted to the back of a planter and can measure soil composition in real time using a powerful laser.
Eric Schmid/STLPR

John Deere job cuts reflect slower agricultural economy

Jul 3, 2024
Crop prices have fallen as production increased, and many farmers have already bought all the equipment they need.
Farmers are spending less money on tractors and equipment this year because crop prices have gone down.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Farming is "not easy and it's a lot of risk," says Iowa soybean producer

"Soybeans are down 18 cents today and then they could go up 50 tomorrow. Who knows?" said April Hemmes, a soybean farmer in Iowa.
Heavy rains have meant some farmers have had to replant hundreds of acres, says farmer April Hemmes.
Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

Why the cost of coffee beans is climbing

May 27, 2024
Higher global demand for the drink and climate change's effect on supply are behind the upward trend.
A coffee producer in Minas Gerais, Brazil, holds up a handful of robusta beans. Vietnam and Brazil, the top growers of robusta, are suffering droughts. 
Douglas Magno/AFP via Getty Images

With low wool prices, Midwestern sheep farmers are innovating with the fiber

May 16, 2024
Some are looking for new uses for fleeces while others shift to breeds that don’t produce much wool at all.
Newly shorn sheep bask in the spring sunlight at the Cory Family Farm in Polk County, Iowa.
Rachel Cramer/Harvest Public Media