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How a delayed farm bill would affect the agriculture sector

Nov 10, 2023
If an extension or replacement bill isn't passed by the new year, there could be major consequences for farmers and consumers.
The farm bill was last updated in 2018. It's more expensive to grow food now, but the legislation doesn't reflect those changes.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Another year, another record harvest for this Iowa farmer

Oct 31, 2023
"I thought I'm gonna have so much income," said April Hemmes. "But all my inputs were all that much higher."
April Hemmes on her farm in 2019. This year, she had a record soybean harvest despite a drought earlier in the year.
Ben Hethcoat/Marketplace

Why U.S. agricultural exports are down almost 20% from last year

Sep 29, 2023
In August, agricultural exports were about 20% lower than the same time a year ago, according to the Commerce Department. That's because export volumes have fallen, and ag prices are coming off of recent highs.
"We have soybean exports down, corn exports are down, wheat exports are down," said Naomi Blohm, senior market advisor with Total Farm Marketing.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Climate change means more extremes for Washington hops farmer

Sep 25, 2023
After a cold spring and unseasonably hot and dry summer, Patrick Smith of Yakima is seeing some abnormalities in when his crops mature.
"Overall, I'd say that the apple crop statewide is looking quite good," Washington farmer Patrick Smith says.
Matthew Cavanaugh/Getty Images

Olive oil prices climb amid drought, heat in Mediterranean

Sep 19, 2023
Weather extremes have threatened global olive oil supplies for the second year as the appetite for EVOO grows in the U.S.
Unfavorable conditions in growing regions have driven up olive oil prices in the U.S. and may open opportunities for American agriculture.
Carlos Gil/Getty Images

I've always wondered: how mint flavoring became associated with clean teeth

Sep 8, 2023
Listener Grant Cohoe says he's "not a fan of mint" and asks: "Why it is that mint is so ubiquitous in toothpaste, mouthwash and the like?"
Mint flavored toothpaste at the store. 
Mitchell Hartman/Marketplace

After a year of bad weather, peaches are in short supply — and a lot more expensive

Aug 28, 2023
Unfavorable weather in the Southeast and Midwest has made for a national peach shortage. The lack of supply means prices have climbed between 25-50% this summer in some markets.
Customers shop for peaches on July 13, at Flamm Orchards in Cobden, Illinois.
Brian Munoz

For public good, not for profit.

Labor costs are a key ingredient in food inflation

Aug 11, 2023
And consumers of all income levels are adopting creative strategies to make their dollars stretch farther.
Generally, only 15% of the price of something like peanut butter goes to the farmer who produced the raw ingredients, says Chris Barrett, aprofessor of agricultural and development economics at Cornell. More goes to the production and transporting of the final product.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Regaining Black farmers’ trust is “challenging," says advisor to the Secretary of Agriculture

After the loan repayment assistance program was scrapped, the USDA is having trouble regaining the trust of Black farmers.
"I've heard it said that when other farmers get a cold, Black farmers get pneumonia," said Dewayne Goldmon, senior advisor for racial equity to the Secretary of Agriculture.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

How an Iowa farmer pushes through less-than-average crop yields

Jul 27, 2023
It takes a "that's farming, buddy!" attitude — and crop insurance helps, too.
"That's farming, buddy!" says April Hemmes, a corn and soybean farmer, in the face of drought in her home state of Iowa.
Ben Hethcoat/Marketplace