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Rural areas' hard times not in the stats

Aug 17, 2009
Nebraska has one of the nation's lowest unemployment rates at 5%. But numbers that may look good on paper don't always translate well in real life -- especially in real rural life. Sarah McCammon reports.

We're gonna have a lot of corn

Aug 12, 2009
The USDA says there's going to be a near-record crop for corn this year. Blame it on the weather and the number of corn-ears-produced-per-acre in the Midwest grain belt. Mitchell Hartman reports.

Opium doesn't need to be high priority

Jul 22, 2009
The White House wants to cork the opium trade in Afghanistan by paying farmers not to grow it. Is this realistic? Bill Radke talks to Jacob Townsend with the United Nations office on Drugs and Crime in Kabul.

G8 wants to invest in world agriculture

Jul 10, 2009
G8 leaders are discussing a new $20 billion plan for world food aid that would encourage agriculture over sending homegrown U.S. produce. The idea is to help farmers in poor countries become more productive. Stephen Beard reports.

Monsanto profits in tough season

Jun 24, 2009
In recent years, profitability at Monsanto has been driven by its Roundup herbicide, and sales of the once-hot item are decreasing as cheap alternatives enter the market. Adam Allington reports.

Paris Air Show wowed by crop-duster

Jun 18, 2009
It was a dull and gloomy Paris Air Show, and then came the AT-802 -- a machine-gun totting, bomb-friendly crop-duster. But why would a plane used for farming need James Bond technology? Stephen Beard reports.

Deep South's farm-worker jobs vanish

Jun 17, 2009
Agriculture workers are used to long hours for low pay, but cutbacks and layoffs are making it even harder to get work where jobs were already tough to find. Jeff Tyler talks to farm workers in Tchula, Miss.

For public good, not for profit.

Chicken owners seek free range in city

May 7, 2009
Chicken enthusiasts are fighting for their right to keep the birds in backyard coops in many big cities where the practice is illegal. Joel Rose explores the issue and visits with urban chicken owners in Philadelphia.

FDA not improving to curb bad record

Apr 10, 2009
Food safety for produce like spinach, peanuts and pistachios is ensured by the Food and Drug Administration, which doesn't have a system in place for checking offshore foods. Steve Henn reports.

California farmers cope with drought

Apr 10, 2009
California farmers are struggling with the after-effects of a three-year drought and the lack of abundant water for their crops. But this could help create a more effective, conservative flow. Jennifer Collins reports.