U.S. to profit from selling remaining stake in AIG

Dec 11, 2012
It looks like the U.S. government’s rescue of insurance giant AIG is coming to an end. And, amazingly enough, it’s a happy ending: The government is selling the last of its AIG stock -- for a profit.

U.S. selling AIG stake, but still holds many others

Sep 10, 2012
The U.S. government will continue to hold major stakes in the housing and financial worlds even though it is set to sell most of its remaining investment in AIG.

Former Treasury official: AIG no longer 'too big to fail'

Sep 10, 2012
The former Chief Restructuring Officer at the U.S. Department of the Treasury says the government could end up making $20 billion on the AIG bailout
Former Chief Restructuring Officer Jim Millstein prepares to testify before a Congressional Oversight Panel in February 25, 2010. Millstein, who oversaw the restructuring of insurance giant AIG, now says the bailout could net the U.S. $20 billion in profit.
Ann Heisenfelt/Getty Images

U.S. Treasury to sell $18 billion in AIG stock

Sep 10, 2012
Stock sale would reduce the U.S. government's stake in the once-troubled insurance firm to less than half for the first time since it bailed out AIG in 2008.

From one creditor to 36 creditors

Dec 27, 2010
This final note: American International Group is taking another big step to borrow its way off the government dole. The insurance giant revealed in...

MIDDAY UPDATE: Weekly jobless numbers down 17,000

Dec 9, 2010
Today's weekly unemployment numbers were down 17,000 from last week. These numbers are the second lowest of the year. Of course these numbers still...

For public good, not for profit.


Oct 22, 2010
Today we heard a lot from Asia. The G-20 financial ministers and central bank governors gathered in Seoul, South Korea. Headlining their agenda is...

MID-DAY UPDATE: "No to Austerity" -- chants and strikes across Europe

Sep 29, 2010
The Mid-Day Update is a five-day-a-week podcast from the Marketplace Morning Report co-hosted by Bill Radke and Steve Chiotakis that wraps up the...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Number of women in management -- not growing

Sep 28, 2010
The Mid-Day Update is a five-day-a-week podcast from the Marketplace Morning Report co-hosted by Bill Radke and Steve Chiotakis that wraps up the...