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Airlines cruise to profits as fuel costs drop

Jan 13, 2016
Airlines are benefiting from cheap jet fuel, new passenger fees and industry consolidation.

U.S. airlines battle Persian Gulf carriers

Nov 16, 2015
U.S. airlines say Gulf carriers are competing unfairly

Add-on charges may wind up costing companies, too

Oct 19, 2015
A recent study shows add-on pricing model may be bad for airlines.

Delta profits on cheap fuel, but faces other costs

Oct 14, 2015
The drop in oil prices has made jet fuel only the airline's second-largest cost.

Ride the skies ... stacked on top of other people

Oct 9, 2015
You can't make this stuff up.

The skies feel very friendly for airlines

Aug 31, 2015
Industry profits are at new highs, but passengers still feel so squeezed.

The challenges ahead for Emirates Airlines

Aug 13, 2015
Emirates is the new titleholder for the world’s longest airline route.

For public good, not for profit.

Should congress rein in airline fees?

Aug 7, 2015
A new report is critical of airline pricing practices.

Major airlines under investigation for collusion

Jul 2, 2015
The DOJ is looking into whether airlines have worked together to keep prices high.

Those sky-high fees for flying

Jun 23, 2015
Airlines now charge their customers a raft of fees for all sorts of things.