Amazon wants you to celebrate its birthday by shopping

Jul 13, 2015
As it turns 20, the online retailer promotes its fee-based Prime membership.

Nielsen answers Netflix data mystery

Mar 25, 2015
Nielsen plans to release audience data for streaming television.

What is Amazon? Whatever Amazon wants to be

Jun 12, 2014
Amazon’s streaming music, making its own Kindles and releasing its own smartphone.

Goodbye, productivity. Hello, HBO.

Apr 23, 2014
With several HBO series made available to Amazon Prime customers, how long will it take you to watch all of it?

Amazon Prime scoops up some of HBO's hottest titles

Apr 23, 2014
It’s the first time HBO has made its shows available to an online-only subscription streaming service.

Amazon Prime could be too popular?

Mar 20, 2014
Analysts say Amazon could lose money by making its customers too loyal.

Amazon Prime's $99 bargain

Mar 13, 2014
When being the biggest seller of stuff online just isn't enough.

For public good, not for profit.

Amazon Prime: an expensive cash cow

Jan 31, 2014
Amazon is wrestling with its Prime program. The membership club brings in lots of loyal customers, but also costs it lots of money.

Amazon's crazy-scary "anticipatory shipping"

Jan 17, 2014
Amazon could start shipping you stuff before you order it.

Amazon hopes John Goodman will make you buy stuff

Nov 6, 2013
Amazon takes a page out of Netflix's book.