Amazon to launch tablet by October

Jul 14, 2011
The Wall Street Journal is the latest to write up the long kicked around rumor of Amazon being about to launch a tablet computer. The Journal says...

Apple TV to give way to an Apple TV?

Jul 12, 2011
Apple has been selling the tiny little Apple TV set top box for a while now. Costs $99, you can sync it with iTunes, Netflix, YouTube. The next...

Apple to release Lion this week?

Jul 11, 2011
So goes the rumor. It's not Apple Computer opening up actual cages to reveal real lions, at least not yet, it's the release of the new operating s...

People staring at computers, person maybe getting arrested

Jul 11, 2011
New York artist Kyle McDonald had this art project going where he installed software on computers in an Apple store that took photos of people...


Jul 7, 2011
Today's scare-the-pants-off-you security item is brought to you by Thin Lizzy. Because it seems that tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak*. Well,...

HP TouchPad is failing to impress

Jun 30, 2011
The reviews are rolling in for the latest entry in the tablet market, the TouchPad from HP, which goes on sale tomorrow morning. And it's not...

New El Cinco detailrumors

Jun 22, 2011
Maybe we should start calling them detmors. Detailed rumors. Rutails? Bloomberg is sharing possible information about the iPhone 5 (we call it El...

For public good, not for profit.

Apple soups up offerings

Jun 21, 2011
Time Capsule is a data storage device from Apple designed for people who need to store a whole lot of data. It had held 1 terabyte of data for $299...

The iPod is dead

Jun 16, 2011
That's the hasty conclusion that I'm going to go ahead and jump to, based on the new back to school offering from Apple. For the last several years...

Apple in the courtroom (please don't freak, the door is locked just you and me)

Jun 14, 2011
Apple has settled a lawsuit with Nokia wherein the struggling Finnish company was suing Apple for copyright infringement related to iPhones. Under...