What if the Big 3 declared bankruptcy?

Dec 23, 2008
Christmas came early for the Big 3 when the White House announced it would bail out the troubled automakers. But how would bankruptcy compare to the government rescue? Tess Vigeland speaks with bankruptcy expert Douglas Baird.

UAW unsettled with auto bailout deal

Dec 23, 2008
With a $17 billion loan package for General Motors and Chrysler come strings attached involving wages. But the United Auto Workers union isn't entirely satisfied, which could make negotiations ahead rocky. Steve Henn reports.

Bush leaves bailout decisions to Obama

Dec 19, 2008
The $17.4 billion that President Bush made available to General Motors and Chrysler today is being seen by auto industry analysts as only a temporary lifeline. Big decisions await the next administration. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

Honda projecting more profit loses

Dec 17, 2008
Like the Big Three, Honda is also having a hard time selling cars. The company issued profit warnings for the third time this year. Steve Chiotakis talks to Marketplace's Alisa Roth about how the automaker is saving cash.

We'd all benefit from higher gas prices

Dec 15, 2008
There may be a large contingent of greener cars on the road, but gas guzzlers and other fuel-consuming vehicles are still zooming down the freeways. Commentator Virginia McConnell says that higher gas prices and taxes could be good for the auto industry and us.

White House weighing auto options

Dec 15, 2008
The White House looks poised to take action to help the auto industry, and there are a few routes it could take. Stacey Vanek-Smith talks to Marketplace's Alisa Roth, who goes over what could happen.

China's electric car ahead of the curve

Dec 15, 2008
Chinese company BYD unveiled a new electric car with a plug-in battery that's supposedly two years ahead of the competition. Scott Jagow talks to Marketplace's Scott Tong, who got a first-hand look.

For public good, not for profit.

Where the automakers go from here...

Dec 12, 2008
The Treasury Department may dip into the $700-billion bailout fund to rescue the ailing auto industry. Kai Ryssdal speaks with John Dimsdale about what's next for the automakers.

Auto impact not just about Detroit

Dec 12, 2008
The Senate's denial of a $14 billion loan package for the auto industry has a global effect. Scott Jagow talks to David Buick with the Cantor Index about the roughly 2 million people employed throughout the industry.

White House considering auto bailout

Dec 12, 2008
With the Senate's failure to approve the $14 billion loan for the auto industry, the White House is considering stepping in with bailout money. Meanwhile, finger pointing over GOP senators' opposition has begun on Capitol Hill. Dan Grech reports.