A new GM plan to entice Congress

Dec 1, 2008
The board at General Motors met over the weekend to discuss a restructuring plan that might work for Congress. Ashley Milne-Tyte tells Steve Chiotakis the plan includes a possible bankruptcy filing just in case.

Auto dealerships deal with crisis

Dec 1, 2008
About 700 U.S. auto dealerships have closed their doors so far this year as the credit crisis has taken its toll on the automotive industry. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
A vacant used car dealership in Fairfield, Calif.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Don't force green cars on automakers

Nov 26, 2008
While automakers were on Capitol Hill begging for financial relief, a key supporter in the House lost his clout. Commentator David Frum says the new leadership should avoid micro-managing the industry.

Has Detroit's auto show lost its glow?

Nov 26, 2008
There's going to be a little less new car smell at Detroit's big auto show in January. Nissan's not coming. Kai Ryssdal asks Bloomberg's Doron Levin about the state of the auto exhibition.

Toyota suffers credit rating drop

Nov 26, 2008
Today, Fitch ratings downgraded Toyota's credit from triple-A to double-A -- the first time the auto maker's rating has dropped in a decade. Steve Henn reports a lowered appetite for cars and a strong Yen are to blame.

Tough week for the economy all around

Nov 21, 2008
No bailout for Detroit. Citigroup stocks took a dive. So did the markets, at least before the Treasury choice surfaced. Kai Ryssdal asks trader Andy Brooks and Felix Salmon of portfolio.com about an ugly week.

Career moves for laid-off auto workers

Nov 21, 2008
GM has announced more layoffs. But while GM shrinks, the natural gas industry is doing some hiring. So could ex-GM workers go from assembling power trains to driving drill bits into the earth? Kate Archer Kent reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Pelosi to Big 3: Bring us a plan

Nov 21, 2008
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid promise to try to get help for automakers after Thanksgiving. But the automakers have to make a convincing argument for why they need it. Alisa Roth reports.

Automakers lose a champion on the Hill

Nov 20, 2008
Congressman Henry Waxman has replaced John Dingell as chairman of the House Energy Committee, a loss of influence for the Big Three automakers. Alisa Roth reports.

A green car push from abroad

Nov 20, 2008
A German solar energy company wants to buy General Motors' Opel unit for $1.25 billion. GM says Opel isn't for sale, but Sam Eaton reports it may just be a matter of time before innovation is delivered from the outside.