UK farms replace EU migrants with machines

Jan 9, 2017
With fewer EU migrants to take low-paid farm jobs, UK farmers look to automation.
Philip Garford stands next to the "Robo Crop" automatic weeding machine.
Stephen Beard/Marketplace

Steelworkers boosting tech skills to get back to work

Jan 4, 2017
Laid off steel workers in Illinois find decades of experience may not be enough.
Martin Oliver worked in the steel mill in Granite City, Illinois for 22 years before he was laid off last year. Now he's training to use computer-driven machine he hopes will make him competitive in the job market again.
Kimberly Adams/Marketplace

Retailers looking to save on labor costs turn to automation

Nov 25, 2016
As you hit the shops for the holidays, don’t be surprised if you see more automated systems there to help you find stuff, set up home delivery, check out at the register. Big retailers like Wal-Mart, Lowe’s and Whole Foods, and fast-food chains like McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Panera Bread are all rolling out more touchscreen […]
A customer picks up his lunch from an automated cubby at Eatsa, a fully automated fast food restaurant, in San Francisco, California. 
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The evolving roles of US textile workers

Jul 14, 2016
Trade and technology have changed this industry.
A Burlington Industries' worker inspects fabric at a finishing plant in North Carolina.
Tracey Samuelson/Marketplace

Verizon's deal puts more U.S. call centers to work

May 31, 2016
The company's bringing 1,400 new jobs to the East Coast, and there are some advantages to running call centers in the U.S.
A call center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2003.
William Thomas Cain/Getty Images

Not clear whether wage increases drive automation

Jan 20, 2016
Some business owners are seeking out robots to deal with minimum wage hikes.

Whole Foods looks to tech to help with the bottom line

Jan 4, 2016
The challenge: finding a balance between efficiency and the human touch

For public good, not for profit.

Being human in the age of automation

Oct 7, 2014
How can a video game teach us a valuable life lesson? Nicholas Carr explains.

CEO of Coinstar on automating business

Aug 10, 2012
The success of the company Coinstar -- which owns the DVD rental kiosk company Redbox -- sheds light on the belief that things like DVDs and pennies have no future. Both businesses use machines to sell their products rather than human employees.

Why self-checkout lanes don't work

Mar 30, 2012
Commentator Frances Frei says automation needs to improve the customer experience, not frustrate it.