The price of the EpiPen has surged. Who pays?

Aug 23, 2016
How will users of the auto-injector pay for the drug they rely on?
For the parents and guardians of children who need EpiPens to manage their allergies, the price tag has gone up by several hundred dollars.
Wikimedia Commons

Does economic uncertainty affect back to school shopping?

Aug 10, 2016
We don’t know where the economy is headed, but we do know the kids need jeans.
Back-to-school shopping season has started really early this year.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Getting a break on back-to-school purchases

Aug 10, 2015
Many states offer short tax holidays, but it may be a modest spending season.

Figuring out the numbers without the numbers

Oct 11, 2013
Trying to figure out economic data without official government statistics.

More teachers pay to stock the classroom supply closet

Aug 28, 2013
One lesson virtually all teachers have learned: if you want your classroom up to snuff, you're going to have to spend your own money.

Parents pick up more of the tab for public schools

Aug 20, 2013
Back-to-school shopping isn’t quite what it used to be. Public schools struggling under more budget cuts are making requests that go far beyond what you can fit into a backpack.

How the sequester will impact schools this year

Aug 9, 2013
The sequester will cut K-12 school programs like special education and English-as-a-second-language.

For public good, not for profit.

Luxury brands target children for back-to-school

Aug 21, 2012
Even as the economy continues to show signs of weakness, luxury retailers have still been doing well. One strategy? Bidding for customer loyalty from the moment kids step onto the playground.

Back-to-school already in swing at stores

Aug 7, 2012
Department stores try to get school shoppers in the doors earlier.