Urban Cipher game teaches players the effects of redlining

Jul 1, 2024
"We're rolling the same thing, but we're getting different results" — that's a valuable experience, says creator Lawrence Brown.
Lawrence Brown, creator of Urban Cipher, explains how racially coded federal maps dictated lending practices in cities like Baltimore.
Amy Scott/Marketplace

Composting is good for the planet. Why don't more cities do it?

Jun 21, 2024
A community program in Baltimore aims to spread "compost fever."
Marvin Hayes, executive director of the Baltimore Compost Collective, which collects food scraps and yard trimmings to compost for use in local gardens. Hayes founded the Baltimore Compost Collective to "starve" the city's trash incinerator.
Amy Scott/Marketplace

With the Port of Baltimore accessible again, longshoremen return to work

Jun 17, 2024
Their work includes tying ships to the shore, unloading containers and vehicles and keeping track of everything that comes off.
Longshoreman Tyler Tippett pulls in lines to secure a cargo ship at the Port of Baltimore.
Stephanie Hughes/Marketplace

For local firms, Baltimore bridge reconstruction is personal

Jun 17, 2024
Baltimore businesses are lining up for a chance to bid on the reconstruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, a project which hits close to home.
Janet Groncki, president and CEO of Sunrise Safety Services, stands in front of a memorial to the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse.
Nancy Marshall Genzer

Now that the Dali has moved, will business in the Port of Baltimore return to normal?

May 20, 2024
The Coast Guard expects to allow the same size and kinds of cargo ships to come into the port that were able to prior to the bridge collapse.
Trans American's Baltimore warehouse is nearly empty.
Stephanie Hughes/Marketplace

“It’s Jenga meets pick-up sticks, which meets slinky rubber band”

May 14, 2024
Workers clearing Key Bridge debris include members of the Coast Guard, Army Corps of Engineers, Navy and civilian salvagers.
Workers use different tools, from torches to weights, to break apart the parts of the collapsed Key Bridge.
Stephanie Hughes/Marketplace

A Baltimore trucking business adapts to port closure: "We're still here"

Apr 29, 2024
Assistance from the state and new routes have helped one company stay afloat.
Laquwan Jefferson stands next to his truck after driving to and from Norfolk, Virginia.
Amy Scott/Marketplace

For public good, not for profit.

Workers who built Baltimore's Key Bridge reflect on its reach in their lives

Apr 18, 2024
The ironworkers, painters and others who constructed the bridge thought it would outlive them.
Buddy Cefalu connecting road beams as an ironworker during the construction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge.
Courtesy Cefalu

The loss of Baltimore's bridge has snarled traffic. How do commuters cope?

Apr 9, 2024
Previously, 30,000 cars and trucks would traverse the Francis Scott Key daily. Now all those vehicles have to find other routes.
About 30,000 vehicles used to travel the Key Bridge every day. Now all those cars and trucks have to find other routes.
Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

How crews on cargo ships stranded in Baltimore are working to maintain good "seafarer culture"

Apr 5, 2024
Ship crews are used to a life in motion. Now the mostly international workers could be stuck in port for weeks.
Captain Prachya Prengsieng stands aboard the Phatra Naree, a cargo ship with a crew from Thailand. It’s docked right next to the collapsed Key Bridge, and can’t leave the Port of Baltimore.
Stephanie Hughes/Marketplace