Kodak latest in series of bankruptcies

Jan 19, 2012
Eastman Kodak filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection this morning. It's just the latest high profile company to go bankrupt in recent weeks, following American Airlines and Hostess Brands.

Hostess heads for 'Chapter 22' bankruptcy

Jan 11, 2012
Some companies just can't escape Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and have to declare twice.

U.S. bankruptcies down

Jan 10, 2012
Fewer individuals and companies bit the dust in 2011.

Kodak on the brink of bankruptcy?

Jan 5, 2012
Kodak has fallen from a one-time business giant to stocks worth less than $1 per share. What went wrong?

For public good, not for profit.

Kodak teeters toward bankruptcy

Jan 5, 2012
David Brancaccio discusses the impact bankruptcy could have on the 38,000 Kodak retirees and how the city of Rochester, home to the film company, can survive.

Kodak could be in danger of bankruptcy

Jan 5, 2012
Kodak could soon be delisted from the NYSE and perhaps even file for bankruptcy. But does that really mean the end of the company?

American Airlines flies into bankruptcy

Nov 29, 2011
United, US Airways, Delta and Northwest have been there. American’s bankruptcy means fliers will ultimately face fewer choices and higher fares.