How's the banking sector doing?

Oct 19, 2010
Bank of America lost more than $7 billion in its latest quarter whle Goldman Sachs reported it made nearly $2 billion. Why the disparity in this morning's earnings? David Kelly, JP Morgan Funds chief market strategist, talks the details with Steve Chiotakis.

Is the foreclosure crisis a case of systemic fraud?

Oct 18, 2010
There's no doubt that in light of the faulty paperwork by banks, the foreclosure crisis has become a huge tangled mess. Who's to blame and how much punishment is deserved? Kai Ryssdal talks to Congressman Alan Grayson about how much of it may have been deliberate systemic fraud.

Can Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac work out foreclosures without more debt?

Oct 18, 2010
Today marked the deadline for mortgage lenders to review their foreclosure procedures, in the wake of the latest discoveries about faulty paperwork. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stand among the major players. Bob Moon reports on how it's coming along.

Banks' profits don't equal revenue

Oct 18, 2010
For the third time in a row, Citigroup has posted quarterly profits. That doesn't mean the banking institution, one of the biggest names in the financial crisis, is entirely up on its feet again. Alisa Roth reports.

Citi builds core biz, but still faces issues

Oct 18, 2010
Citigroup earnings topped $2.2 billion, the third quarter it has made profits. A poster child of the financial crisis, Citigroup has been trying to recover by selling off businesses. At the same time, it's building up its core businesses. Alisa Roth reports.

How should the U.S. use its gold?

Oct 15, 2010
Gold is quickly becoming the go-to investment as the U.S. dollar loses its value. But what should we do with it? Kai Ryssdal chats with James Picerno from The Atlantic magazine about the valuable commodity.

Can consumers ever trust banks again?

Oct 15, 2010
As chairman of the FDIC, Sheila Bair oversees the takeover of failed banks and examines more than 800 other troubled institutions for their soundness. She talks with Tess Vigeland about whether she's concerned over the number of bank failures this year and if enough has been done to prevent a repeat of what caused our last financial crisis.

For public good, not for profit.

Will there be another banking crisis?

Oct 14, 2010
Kai Ryssdal talks to Marketplace's Jeremy Hobson about how the latest mortgage scandal will affect the economy.

Weekly Wrap: The Flash Crash, TARP

Oct 1, 2010
Kai Ryssdal talks to Leigh Gallagher from Fortune magazine and John Carney from CNBC about whether they feel better that they know what caused the Flash Crash and if TARP was a success or not.

How did TARP become so unpopular?

Oct 1, 2010
The TARP, also known as the bank bailout, ends this weekend. Well, maybe "ends" is a strong word. But the Treasury Department will stop spending and lending new money from the current $475 billion fund. It's about two years old. Jeremy Hobson reports the program become less popular than most screaming toddlers.