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Wow, somebody doesn't like Geithner

Mar 4, 2009
Yesterday, I mentioned a book coming out next week called "House of Cards." It's about the collapse of Bear Stearns. Another excerpt was...

Just take your clients to Putt-Putt

Feb 25, 2009
Now that Northern Bank's been busted for hosting a golf tournament, the other bank lemmings are lining up to do their part. Today, Morgan Stanley...

Will there be blood?

Feb 25, 2009
I just read a very compelling interview with respected Harvard historian Niall Ferguson. Here's the interview by the Toronto Globe and Mail, and...

Still no confidence

Feb 25, 2009
Wall Street sure doesn't think much of President Obama's speech last night. Not that I want to care what Wall Street thinks, but let's face it,...

The new Manhattan Project

Feb 24, 2009
As we watch the stock market sink to 1997 levels, this article in Wired Magazine should send chills down your spine. It says a formula created by...

Gotta have more bailout!

Feb 19, 2009
Remember the Saturday Night Live sketch with Will Farrell and Christopher Walken? Walken plays a famous record producer, and he keeps telling band...

Why 'bad banks' might be a good thing

Jan 13, 2009
Marketplace Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch explains Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's latest plan to get the economy moving -- and the risk involved.
Whiteboard Bad banks

For public good, not for profit.

The greenwash lurking across the street

Nov 3, 2008
A couple days ago, I wandered into my bank - my secondary bank. I've been loyal to a local bank that has the most incredible community investment...

The credit crisis as Antarctic expedition

Oct 13, 2008
In the third installment of his videos making the financial crisis easier to understand, Marketplace Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch explains how banks...