Will Obama visit open up Southeast Asia economies?

Nov 19, 2012
The focus of President Obama's visit to the region has been geopolitical but what about the economic gains to be made?

President's visit to Myanmar poses challenge for China

Nov 19, 2012
Up to now, the government of Myanmar, also known as Burma, has held a cozy economic relationship with China, but President Obama's visit signals the country is looking to diversify its portfolio.

How lame ducks compare in business, politics

Nov 14, 2012
President Obama has four more years. Are there lessons from CEOs who have declared when they’ll leave or who face a mandatory retirement age?

Exploring the post-Fiscal Cliff world

Nov 13, 2012
With only 16 working days left in the congressional calendar this year, bipartisanship is on everyone's lips, but is it in the cards?

President looks for toehold on 'fiscal cliff'

Nov 9, 2012
President Obama makes his first public comments since election night, expected to size up climb up 'fiscal cliff'

Gallup always thinking about changes, tweaks

Nov 8, 2012
This election, in part driven by the discrepancy between most media analysis and Nate Silver's data-driven electoral model, has prompted a debate about polling in the new media landscape. Frank Newport, of Gallup, says his polling still works but could be tweaked.

In Obama second term, EPA set to issue emission rules

Nov 8, 2012
Climate change may regain priority in the Obama administration. One area where the President can act without Congress is supporting the Environmental Protection Agency as it writes new rules limiting emissions.

For public good, not for profit.

Young voters turn out for Obama

Nov 8, 2012
Despite fickle reputation, the Millennial generation may stay party-loyal.

A balance sheet of 'political capital'

Nov 7, 2012
President Obama and House Republicans both say they have it, but who has more?

For a small business owner, taxes are the key to their vote

Nov 7, 2012
We check back in with Olalah Njenga, a small business owner and formerly undecided voter.