Obama's victory: A road to compromise or gridlock?

Nov 7, 2012
With both Governor Romney and President Obama calling for bipartisanship, we check in with two dueling economists to help chart the course ahead.

Obamacare: The right medicine for small business?

Nov 7, 2012
Now that President Obama has been reelected, implementation of the Affordable Care Act will shift into high gear, which gives some small business owners a stomach ache.

Obama victory could mean higher taxes

Nov 7, 2012
President Obama has been re-elected to lead the country for four more years -- what do the election results mean for the economy, fiscal cliff negotiations, and the fate of Wall Street?

Podcast Extra: The election's over, but not the debates

Nov 7, 2012
With both Governor Romney and President Obama calling for bipartisanship, we check in with two dueling economists to help chart the course ahead.

On the fence: A small business owner from Virginia

Nov 5, 2012
With less than a day to go until the nation selects a new president, small business owner Brett Fry's vote will go to the party that will be good stewards of the armed forces.

For public good, not for profit.

Jorge Ramos on the candidates, immigration, and the Latino vote

Nov 5, 2012
Jorge Ramos, anchor for Univision News, shares his take on what matters most to Latino voters this election and where the presidential candidates stand on the issue of immigration.

On the fence: A small business owner wants her candidate to say the right thing

Nov 2, 2012
Marketing strategist Olalah Njenga is hoping her candidate will give her the "how" so she can give him her vote.