Obama's campaign booklet as marketing strategy

Oct 23, 2012
How effective is Obama's 22-page booklet as a marketing tool?

The "spring break" president?

Oct 17, 2012
New attack ad from a Tea Party PAC says Obama is the one who's out of touch with Americans

Obama-backed battery maker goes bankrupt

Oct 17, 2012
Mitt Romney claims battery maker A123's bankruptcy is another example of Obama's bad record of picking winners, but has the administration really performed as poorly as the GOP says?

For public good, not for profit.

Yes, some voters are still undecided

Oct 16, 2012
As Gov. Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama prepare to meet again for tonight's second presidential debate, they'll face not only the moderator and each other, but undecided voters.

Checking up on Medicare

Oct 16, 2012
Just in time for the second presidential debate, Medicare, the patient, goes to see "Dr. Obama" and "Dr. Romney."

Good news, bad news: Obama and Romney advisers react to jobs report

Oct 5, 2012
September's unemployment rate fell to 7.8 percent, the same place it was when President Obama took office. Presidential economic adviser Alan Krueger and Romney adviser Glenn Hubbard share their reactions to this morning's jobs report.