Super PACs backing Romney far outraise Obama's

Aug 20, 2012
Tallies from the first two weeks of August show the super PACs and outside groups backing Mitt Romney are vastly out-spending the president's main political action committee.

How the Romney and Obama budgets stack up

Aug 17, 2012
President Obama has launched a new campaign ad defending his record on Medicare. At the same time, of course, President Obama has attacked Romney's running mate Paul Ryan for his plans to cut Medicare.

Disillusioned Democrats speak

Aug 15, 2012
Republican ads say Obama's promise of 'hope and change' hasn't materialized for voters.

Political lessons from Obama's stimulus

Aug 14, 2012
Did the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act do its job and was President Obama successful in selling the stimulus program to the public?

Barack Obama's already lost one congressional district

Aug 13, 2012
Don't expect the Wisconsin's 1st District to go blue this November.

For public good, not for profit.