Which candidate can better steer the economy?

May 17, 2012
Gallup's latest polls reveal which presidential candidate Americans believe can best fix the U.S. economy.

A fundraising boost from same-sex marriage

May 14, 2012
President Obama's shift on same-sex marriage might have opened the door to more fundraising.

President Obama returns to Hollywood

May 10, 2012
The president seeks more Hollywood cash now that GOP challenger Mitt Romney is cutting into his Wall Street donations.

Gay rights got two wins today

May 9, 2012
President Obama came out in favor of gay marriage today, and the executive director of the Family Equality Council rung the New York Stock Exchange's closing bell.

President Obama speaks on Afghanistan drawdown

May 2, 2012
America's role in the war in Afghanistan is winding down, according to President Obama, who gave a speech in Kabul, Afghanistan last night.

It's the economy, stupid... right?

Apr 25, 2012
Commentator and economist Patrick Anderson puts that theory to the test.

Wall Street turning cold shoulder to Obama

Apr 24, 2012
In 2008, bankers and traders were among Obama's big donors. This year, many are now embracing Romney.

For public good, not for profit.

President Obama targets oil price manipulators

Apr 17, 2012
President Obama announced a new crackdown on illegal manipulation of oil prices by traders. He's asking for stronger regulations, bigger penalties for violators and more cops on the regulatory beat.

A look at the Obama campaign's money strategy

Apr 16, 2012
From small donors, big donors and super PACs, where will the president be getting his campaign cash?

President Obama asks to repeal big oil tax breaks

Mar 29, 2012
The president wants lawmakers to repeal $4 billion worth of tax breaks that oil companies currently get. How much of an issue are these subsidies?