The President's defense budget 'hike'

Feb 4, 2015
These days, defense spending is about more than just the Pentagon's budget.

More jobs research? Add it to the budget

Feb 3, 2015
Data on "the quits rate" will track those who leave jobs in search of something better.

Maybe Obama should just 'Shake it Off'

Jan 16, 2015
John Boehner takes aim at Barack Obama with a dozen Taylor Swift GIFs.

Obama's latest move to boost housing market

Jan 8, 2015
President reduces FHA insurance rate, but how much of a difference can $900 make?

The numbers for November 10, 2014

Nov 10, 2014
Sesame Street, ACA round two, and President Obama speaks on net neutrality.

What GOP victories mean for the Affordable Care Act

Nov 6, 2014
Republican gains may not mean repeal for 'Obamacare,' but other changes may occur.

Whatever happens election day, it's Yellen's economy

Nov 3, 2014
If balances of power change in the election, the chairman of the Fed won't.

For public good, not for profit.

How the president might tout the economy

Oct 2, 2014
While unemployment has fallen to 6.1 percent, many people still feel uneasy.

The education benefits in the VA Reform Bill

Aug 4, 2014
The bill will lift residency requirements for vets who attend public colleges.

No easy solutions for child migrant crisis

Jul 25, 2014
Solving the problem requires dealing with the root causes.