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Doing the numbers on the super rich

Jan 22, 2015
The 80 wealthiest people on earth are worth as much as the bottom 50 percent.

Microsoft founders commit $59 million to fight Ebola

Sep 15, 2014
Philanthropists are taking the lead in the fight against the outbreak.

Satya Nadella and Bill Gates: Microsoft's Batman and Robin?

Feb 4, 2014
Marketplace Tech Report Host Ben Johnson talks about what's next for the tech giant

Where is Microsoft going next?

Jan 31, 2014
There’s a lot of chatter out there about who will be named as Microsoft’s next CEO. And there’s questions swirling about whether Bill Gates will step down as board chair.

Some of Microsoft's top investors want Bill Gates to step down as chairman

Oct 2, 2013
A new report says three top investors at Microsoft want Bill Gates to go.

Bill Gates confesses: CTRL-ALT-DEL was a mistake

Sep 26, 2013
Gates says he wanted a single button, but the IBM guy wouldn't give it to them.

Help wanted: New Microsoft CEO

Aug 23, 2013
Mark Zuckerberg probably has enough on his plate that he won't apply to succeed Steve Ballmer.

For public good, not for profit.

Why Silicon Valley can't end world poverty

Jun 27, 2013
The tech community finds out it takes more than good intentions and a novel idea to improve the lives of people in developing nations.

Melinda Gates on providing contraception for women worldwide

Jul 10, 2012
The philanthropist and co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation discusses why her latest effort is to provide contraceptive options for women around the globe.

The downfall of innovation at Microsoft

Jul 9, 2012
Microsoft used to be the tech industry leader, now it's playing catch up. Kurt Eichenwald has written about the state of the company in the August issue of Vanity Fair.