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Underground economy is booming

Apr 9, 2008
Best estimates are that about 15% to 20% of the world's economy happens off the books. Journalist Mischa Glenny takes a tour of the underground economy in his new book, "McMafia." He talks about it with Kai Ryssdal.

Amazon contest promotes new business

Apr 7, 2008
A bartender and former high school teacher has won a fiction-writing contest sponsored by Amazon.com and Penguin Books. The competition is part of Amazon's promotion of its new self-publishing business. Lisa Napoli reports.

Publisher reworks book-selling model

Apr 4, 2008
A new division of publisher HarperCollins is trying to turn the old model of selling books inside out. Jeremy Hobson reports on a new chapter in a struggling industry.

Soros: Financial crisis worst since '30s

Apr 3, 2008
Investor and philanthropist George Soros says the financial system as we know it is broken. He talks with Kai Ryssdal about his new book in which he offers what he calls a new paradigm for the financial markets.

Memoirs of a 'Turnaround Kid'

Mar 10, 2008
Corporate freelancer Steve Miller's book, "The Turnaround Kid," details some of his adventures working for major American companies. Fortune's Allan Sloan tells Lisa Napoli why it's an atypical business memoir.

Where does that $3 trillion go?

Feb 26, 2008
This year President Bush proposed a federal budget of more than $3 trillion. Kai Ryssdal talks to Scott Bittle, author of "Where Does the Money Go?," about how taking a closer look at the spending of federal dollars could help avoid future deficits.

Swept away by service culture

Feb 12, 2008
Author Alex Frankel wanted to find out what life was like on the other side of the counter. He talks to Scott Jagow about his book, where he shares his experience of joining the working culture of Starbucks, UPS, the Gap and more.

For public good, not for profit.

Big record labels can't "Rock On"

Feb 8, 2008
The Internet has transformed the way that we buy music, much to the discontent of record labels. Kai Ryssdal speaks with Dan Kennedy, former Atlantic Records employee and author of the new book "Rock On," about why the culture of big record labels isn't friendly toward new technology.

How many countries are in your jeans?

Jan 29, 2008
Your blue jeans may be a good indicator of just how global the economy is. Rachel Louise Snyder follows tells the story of a pair of pants in the global marketplace in her book "Fugitive Denim." She talks with Kai Ryssdal.

The essential job of a leader

Jan 22, 2008
How do you learn to lead in the world of high-stakes corporate affairs? Author Warren Bennis says it all comes down to one thing: Good judgment. He talks with Kai Ryssdal about his new book.