How did Republicans brand themselves at the convention?

Aug 31, 2012
The Republican National Convention has wrapped up in Tampa, Florida, after last night’s big speech by Mitt Romney. And perhaps more than anything else, the week was an attempt by the GOP to shape its own brand and message on its own terms. So how’d they do? For answers, let’s bring in Don Goldberg. He’s […]

Could better branding get kids to eat their vegetables?

Aug 30, 2012
On the age-old question of how you get kids to eat broccoli, new research from Cornell University finds it's all about branding.

Lance Armstrong quits fighting anti-doping charges

Aug 24, 2012
The famed bicyclist says he's innocent, but that he can no longer fight allegations that he cheated by using performance-enhancing drugs. How will his latest move affect his brand?
Lance Armstrong of the USA and Team Radio Shack competes during Stage Five of the 2011 Tour Down Under on January 22, 2011 in Adelaide, Australia.
Photo by Morne de Klerk/Getty Images

Millennials less likely to be brand loyal

May 11, 2012
A new study finds that millennials -- people between the ages 18-34 -- believe it's important to the get lowest price when shopping, which means giving up on brands they're loyal to.

Company logos expand into sonic realm

May 1, 2012
Audio branding is moving beyond television and electronics into banks and appliances as companies seek to build consumer allegiance through sound.

Mid-day Extra: Why we think "best of" lists are the best

Dec 22, 2011
The end of the year brings all kind's of top ten, top 100 and best of 2011 lists -- but what kind of value do we get out of them?

Mid-day Extra: Are brands politically neutral?

Nov 9, 2011
As Election Day results come pouring in, we look at one study that shows how Republicans and Democrats differ in their brand preferences.

For public good, not for profit.