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Rupert Murdoch plans iPad newspaper

Nov 22, 2010
Later on, he'll design a cassette tape that runs as a CD. The media mogul plans to launch The Daily, a newspaper designed to be read on the iPad....

What good is technology if it can't get you tickets to Dancing with the Stars and The Boss?

Nov 19, 2010
On Thursday, the US Department of Justice announced the latest in the case of the CAPTCHA ticket snatchers. Three men have pleaded guilty on...

Facebook gets needy

Nov 19, 2010
They want you to love only them. Facebook users are being greeted with a little banner thing at the top of the page. It shows pictures of your...

How are you using technology to shop this year?

Nov 19, 2010
For our day after Thanksgiving show we want to hear from you. Even if you're not one of the hard-charging doorbuster shoppers in line for the big...

COICA gets out of committee

Nov 18, 2010
The Senate Judiciary Committee has passed the Combating Online Infringement and Copyright Act. The bill would allow the US Attorney General to go...

Twitter founder complains about Facebook

Nov 18, 2010
Ev Williams who helped start Twitter says he continues to be frustrated that Facebook won't let users share data more easily. For instance, you can...

Washington's Internet Obsession

Nov 18, 2010
Here in Washington, the Obama Administration has been pursuing a lot of internet-related policy while we've all been distracted with tax cut and...

For public good, not for profit.

Rock Band 3

Nov 17, 2010
Tragically, the game comes with a keyboard and not a keytar. Alas....

Google throws something called at the wall, waits to see if it sticks

Nov 17, 2010
It's like this: Google makes an unimaginable pile of cash off of ad revenues, text ads primarily. And they have a ton of smart people working there...

Facebook security FAQ in light of new messaging program

Nov 16, 2010
The security firm Sophos has published an FAQ on security issues presented by Facebook's new and weirdly still unnamed messaging system....