Safety net home insurance plans are becoming the only option for many in disaster-prone states

May 20, 2024
As private insurance companies retreat in states hit by climate-fueled disasters, safety net insurance plans are left to fill the gap.
At his two-acre property in San Diego County, Paul Felber gotten rid of much of the flammable vegetation bordering his home and spent more than $60,000 to harden it against wildfire. But home insurance companies weren’t impressed. In the last five years, the Felbers were dropped by two different companies.
Scott Rodd/KPBS

Higher rates may not solve California's property insurance woes

May 6, 2024
With climate change hiking insurer costs, the state may allow catastrophe modeling as a stopgap, says former Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones.
"As climate change  has driven more frequent and severe weather-related events, it's killing people, damaging property and causing more insurance losses," says Dave Jones, a former state insurance commissioner.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

Tired of your boss bugging you after hours? You want the "right to disconnect"

Apr 4, 2024
A bill in the California legislature would make the state the first in the nation to offer what's already law in France and about a dozen other countries.
In California, AB 2751 would give workers a right to uninterrupted personal time, free from work-related calls and messages.
Antonio Guillem via Getty Images

These mobile home residents decided to buy their park to combat rising rents

Mar 25, 2024
As Californians deal with rising rents and a housing shortage, one group of mobile home park residents in Fresno County secured affordable housing for themselves by purchasing the land from the park’s corporate landlord.
Residents at Nuevo Lago Mobile Home Park formed a housing co-op to purchase the park from their corporate landlord, Harmony Communities California.
Madi Bolanos/KQED

In California and beyond, the right-to-repair movement picks up speed

Feb 9, 2024
Fixit Clinics and other groups have formed communities devoted to reducing waste and costs by fixing broken devices.
A Fixit Clinic coach works on a tape player at a California library. Fixit Clinics' aim is to reduce costs for appliance owners and reduce waste for society.
Kathryn Styer Martínez/KQED

How California plans to solve its large budget deficit

Jan 12, 2024
It's not the only state with a problem.
Earlier this week, California Governor Gavin Newsom released a plan to offset a nearly $38 billion budget deficit.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

How California's expansion of health coverage is affecting low-income undocumented immigrants

Jan 8, 2024
The eligibility expansion benefits the immigrants but may also bring savings to the entire system.
In California, all low-income undocumented immigrants are now eligible for coverage under the state’s version of Medicaid. Some of that expansion expense may bring savings elsewhere.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

If reparations aren't politically viable, what's the next best thing?

Jan 5, 2024
Scholars say local action directed at improving access to housing, health care and education are more likely to pass than cash payments.
Many Black families were excluded from suburbs that were rapidly growing in the '50s and '60s.
Illustration: Dylan Miettinen/Marketplace | Photo: Courtesy USC Libraries. “Dick” Whittington Photography Collection

California debates who should be eligible for reparations for slavery

Jan 4, 2024
Recommendations start "with those folks who are clearly descendants of 250 years of wage theft in this country," says Sen. Steven Bradford.
Illustration: Dylan Miettinen/Marketplace | Photos: filo and JasonDoiy/Getty Images

2024 will be a big year for the reparations debate in California

Jan 3, 2024
After a state task force issued a nearly 1,100-page report in 2023, lawmakers are starting to look at reparations policy options.
California State Sen. Steven Bradford is one of nine task force members who issued a report on reparations last year.
Illustration: Dylan Miettinen/Marketplace | Photo: Courtesy California State Senate